Friday, August 28, 2009

Birthdays, Cowboys, and Baseball

These are two of the girls that I hang out with in San Antonio- Marnie and Kristi

We went to a cowboy bar for Stefan's birthday!  I made a big meal of steak and shrimp fajitas for a birthday celebration and then some apple crisp for dessert (his favorites).  After dinner, all of our friends came over to pre-party a little bit before we headed to the cowboy bar!

Stefan's mom found this Wisconsin Badger's cowboy hat- how cool!

Cowboys or Air Force Navigators?

That weekend I flew back to Wisconsin for my friend Nicky's wedding.  While I was gone, Stefan made a trip to Houston with the boys to tailgate and go to see the Brewer's play.  For his birthday, I bought him all of the things he would need for the tailgate as well as some extra Brewer's gear!  The Brewers won big that night.  We're bummed that the Brewers are recently on a downward slope, but we have faith they can pull it back together (or at least we hope they pull it together for the one home game Stefan will get to see all season on Sept. 4!)  Happy Birthday again baby AND Go Brewers!

1 comment:

Gabitch said...

WTF mate?!?! I got a fever and the only cure is more blogging!